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Why do transformers need to control temperature rise?

Transformers are like the MVPs of electrical systems, transferring electricity from one circuit to another. They come in all shapes and sizes, including high-frequency ones made by fancy transformer manufacturers. One big factor that affects how well a transformer works and how long it lasts is its temperature rise. When it comes to the lifespan of a transformer, the main culprit for insulation aging is heat. Because heat doesn’t spread evenly inside a transformer, different parts can end up at very different temperatures. Therefore, the transformer needs to be at the rated load, the temperature rise of each part is specified- this is called the allowable temperature rise.

Controlling a transformer’s temperature rise is super important. First , too much heat can make the insulation less effective and shorten the overall lifespan of the transformer. Plus, high temperatures can cause materials to expand and contract, putting stress on parts and potentially damaging them. On top of that, higher temperatures also lead to more power loss, which makes the transformer less efficient and more expensive to run.

Generally, oil-immersed transformers use Class A insulation, and the maximum allowable temperature is 105°C. Taking 40°C in summer as the standard, the allowable temperature rise of the coil is 65°C. Since the temperature of the transformer is generally 10°C lower than the winding, the allowable temperature rise of the transformer is 55°C. In this way, no matter how the surrounding air changes, as long as the temperature rise does not exceed the allowable value, the transformer can be guaranteed to operate safely within the specified service life.

To tackle this whole heating-up issue, XuanGe electronics manufacturers use all sorts of design tricks and strategies. One major move they make is picking out materials with really good thermal conductivity for things like the core and windings of their transformers – this helps get rid of excess heat and keep overall temps down low. And then there are other features built into transformers’ designs specifically for cooling things down: think cooling fins or oil or air cooling systems plus sensors that keep tabs on temps so they stay within safe ranges.

On top of all these design considerations, XuanGe electronics manufacturers also follow industry standards and regulations that lay out just how hot different parts of a transformer are allowed to get under normal operating conditions – these standards make sure transformers are designed in ways that let them operate safely within certain temp ranges while also lasting as long as possible without breaking down or causing problems.


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Post time: Jun-29-2024